I did my first student teaching placement at D’Youville-Porter CS#3 in the City of Buffalo. When I put in an application with the city, my cooperating teacher told me to be prepared to hear from them in late August.

Late August?

Yes. It seems that the City of Buffalo public school teachers have until August 15 to announce their retirement.

I’m sure this is a union contract thing. What I don’t understand is why. The policy can’t be any good for the people in charge of hiring, or the building principals. It certainly isn’t good for the teachers being hired a week before school starts. I can’t imagine how it benefits the teachers who are retiring…can it really make any difference at all? Is there a reason to wait for that deadline? Is there a good reason that it couldn’t be July 15? It doesn’t make any sense to me.

I got a call from the city late last week, asking if I’m still interested in a position. The HR department wanted to forward my name to the principals who have openings. I haven’t heard from anyone, and I’m supposed to start teaching two college classes (as an adjunct) next week.



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